Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fruit for diet

Brimming with the all-important fibre, low on calories, rich in vitamins and minerals - that is the brief on veggies and fruits. Isn't that enough for you to adopt these into your daily diet? The benefits are many " they help you to ward off serious diseases like blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, they control cholesterol, help avoid the painful diverticulitis of the intestine, even help prevent some cancers, guards you against cataract and macular degeneration of the eye. It is because of these nutritional benefits of including substantial portions of fruits and vegetables, that people are becoming aware of the importance of this wholesome way of maintaining good health.

Vegetables as sources of vitamins

GA_googleFillSlot("sitagitarectanglebottom"); Vegetables that are yellow and dark green in colour are wonderful sources of vitamin A. In general, green, leafy veggies are known to be calcium-rich with iron, magnesium, vitamin C and almost all the B-vitamins present in large quantities. In fact, the greener the vegetable, the richer it is in nutrients and the more colourful your palette, the more will be the benefits you derive.
Like white coloured veggies? Just see that you go in for cauliflower in preference to potatoes, onions or mushrooms. Should you like green, add dark lettuce, spinach, broccoli - these are better than beans and the pale lettuce. Instead of corn and banana, help yourself to carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges and grapefruit among the yellow-orange ones. Red your fave colour in veggies and fruits? Reach out for tomatoes, red peppers and strawberries more than for apples.

To achieve weight loss

Try to replace your craving for ice cream or other desserts by eating fruits that you love. This is a sure way of weight reduction as fruits have only natural sugars that cannot harm you in any way. Weight loss is not possible with the mere addition of fruits to your diet. However, one most important thing is to remember to vary the fruits and vegetables that you consume every day if only to make the fare more interesting and to make the body get used to a variety of nutritious foods. There are hundreds of cookbooks available with innovative recipes brimming with ideas to make your food not only look great but also taste good! Here's to tasty and healthy cooking!

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