Friday, October 28, 2011

Lost weight try 17 day Diet " very easy diet "

Hi everybody

I want to share my experince on 17 day diet . I have went thru the 1 phase of  17 days of  low carb diet. and wow my weight had reduce by 4.5 KG.see my weight on the scale.

note: no rice , no noodle , no

currently I am in the 2nd phase of 17 days diet program will share the result very soon.....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sabah Snake Grass / 憂遁草 /Clinathanus / Re-Planting

Planting 憂遁草 /Clinathanus/Sabah Snake Grass

Tips on how to re-plant 憂遁草 /Clinathanus/Sabah Snake Grass

i) Cut the branch into  about 10cm long.
  - Both of the branch side should be in clean or sharp shape.
  - Plant it on a vase or ground.
  - you can move the plant  into the ground when it grows about 7 - 8 Inches in height     with leaves.
- Make sure suitable soil in order for the plant to grow faster and healthy.
- Remember to pour waters at least twice a day  morning and evenning.
- You will see the plant re-grow the leaves only after a  week time.

re planting 憂遁草 /Clinathanus/Sabah Snake Grass


1 week old 憂遁草 /Clinathanus / Sabah Snake Grass on pot

Planting 憂遁草 /Clinathanus / Sabah Snake Grass on ground


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good news for cancel patient 南非叶

Study confirmed that South Africa Leaves can cure cancer. china people eaten raw Ye Baojian cancer ‧ China

Did you know? 
Fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants 
against toxic attack

Antioxidants (Antioxidant) are resistant to free radical attack, to prevent oxidation of the function of cells, that is, if the "enemy" to attack the body's cells, anti-oxidants for the body will suffer the knife first, so as to protect the body. Antioxidants commonly found in natural foods, all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits are the best source of antioxidants.
Radicals (Free Radical) commonly known as malignant cells, also known as oxidizing agents, air pollution, chemicals, agriculture, noise, power Zibo and other foreign toxins and metabolism, the legacy of waste. Excess sugar, fat, blood disorders caused by nervous anxiety generated by endogenous toxin. Is that these free radicals attack 人体各器官, and the body's immune system to play defense work, a strong immune system need to supplement, and to add power is South Africa leaves contain antioxidants.
U.S. National Academy of Sciences' food group antioxidants and related compounds, "announced to take large doses of antioxidants, as a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease or other diseases of the probability of the way.

  • Lin Guoliang said that China is now the best anti-cancer therapy is to promote South Africa leaves and green apple juice drink mix.
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(Sungai Petani  News) "Guangming Daily" reported two years ago after South Africa leaves cancer news, massage and herbal therapists Lin Guoliang sent South africa leaves ( 南非叶 ) to to Beijing National School of Medicine for study. School of Medicine study found that South African plant leaves with high levels of antioxidants (Antioxidant), does have anti-cancer effects, and publish the study  through a health newspaper published. Today, Shanghai and Beijing people eaten raw as a health care  supplement .
Lin Guoliang say medical report guidelines say the juice drink make from south africa leaves and green apple is the best anti-cancer method.Shanghai and Beijing businessman   immediately launched health drinks product from south africa leaves and many off the restaurants are promoting health food with this leaves, bread with raw leaves 
He pointed out that the study also mentioned South Africa leaves for  is can improved , presbyopia, myopia and glaucoma have a significant effect on blood pressure, high cholesterol have effect.
"Local people even said that 'life insurance only pay money but  South Africa leaves can insure your life.
there for people come out a slogan 'South Africa plus apples, cancer away from me'."
Best eaten raw
Lin Guoliang claimed that his trip to Beijing last year, a pack of vacuum and  frozen packed leave sis selling  in the supermarket with 20 or 30 leaves a boxes and can stored fresh up to a month  in the refrigerator, the sale of one yuan per piece RMB (RM 50 cents).
He pointed out that some people dry the leaves and taken as tea and some people put together with egg to eat. However, South Africa leaves after cooking, the antioxidants will reduce, so raw is the best. "South Africa leaves have a very bitter taste.
He added, compared to Shanghai and Beijing, Shanghai has the better sales compare with china he believes this is because the more advanced and commercialization of Shanghai, and more attention to health awareness. Some people eat the leaves and after a while, a blood test result show improved.
Lin Guoliang is from the  Beijing National Academy of Medicine, and he is the only student of MD, president of Su Peiqing in Malaysia, he said,  Beijing National School of Medicine found that the efficacy of South Africa leaves and request  an organization in Kunming, to farm this tree.
Uremic kidney attack almost cause a retire headmaster to lost his leg. Thanks to south africa leaves.
South Africa confirmed that leaves the anti-cancer, the Lin Guoliang leaves have been used in South Africa and greenhouse cultivation of Cordyceps, save Penang floating Sacred Heart School Roshan back President Lee Teng a retired life.
58-year-old Lee Teng retired three years ago, he went to  hospital because of epistaxis and medical result show  he has nasal cavity. after 38 time of chemotherapy, complicated process due to diabetes, uremia invasion of the kidney, so that his feet began swelling rotten,  he lost his black toes to secure his life.
As a serious kidney damage, must be dialysis, doctors worry that too much for him, he suggested that he try chinese medicine but he did not believe the Chinese medicine , but in order to protect life, three months ago  he attempts to Lin Guoliang method, eaten South Africa leaves raw and Cordyceps powder , the results show  gradually improved, the foot began to cure.
A month later he went to the hospital, doctors were surprised to tell him that the uraemic diabetes has been eliminated, normal blood sugar, do not have to cut his and dialysis, cancer cell is no longer with him. after 2 months of recovered , he has a very good appetizer and do a lot of exercise in the morning , in order to maintain the best condition, he quit eating "poisonous" and other shells seafood .
How effective raw leaves South Africa
two South Africa  leaves plus a green apple (green apple red apple less effect than good) blend into juice and drink.                                                
(2) two pieces of bread coated with a favorite jam, and then clip a South Africa leaf 

3 Dried  South Africa leaves and  make as tea and drink. 

Note: Most people eat one to two leaves South Africa leaf over doss will cause potential excessive load on the kidney.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good news for cancer patient

South Africa Leaves 南非叶


自由基(Free Radical)俗稱惡性細胞,又稱氧化劑,是空氣污染、化學藥物、農業、噪音、電滋波等外來的毒素及新陳代謝後,所遺留下來的廢物。多餘的糖、脂肪、憂慮緊張引致血氣功能失調所產生的內生之毒。就是這些自由基攻擊人體各器官,而人體的免疫系統就發揮防衛工作,強而有力的免疫系統就須要補充,而補充力就是南非葉所含的抗氧化劑。


  • 林國良說,中國現在提倡最佳抗癌療法是用南非葉與青蘋果攪果汁喝。
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1. 兩片南非葉加一個青蘋果(紅蘋果效果不比青蘋果好)一起攪成果汁喝。
2. 兩片麵包塗上喜愛的果醬,再夾一片南非葉。
3. 曬乾南非葉,當茶泡來喝。